Undesirable Effects of Water Pollution

One type of pollution is the contamination of bodies of waters including seas, oceans, lakes and even the water deposited under the ground. This unnatural and potentially harmful occurrence is commonly known water pollution. Although water is naturally subject to an acceptable amount of contamination as part of the normal processes of nature, the ecological status of water is the main gauge of the effects of water pollution. Overall, when a stream, a sea or a lake becomes unlivable for marine organisms and the use of it by human is harmful and undesirable; then it is considered to be contaminated beyond tolerance.

Below is a list of the undesirable effects of water pollution:
1. It is harmful to the normal marine flora and fauna living in its beds. Bodies of waters are one of the richest ecosystems of the earth. It is home to a diversity of plants and animals living in harmony of co-existence. It also a very rich source of food being home to schools of fishes, a wide array of shell food, edible seaweeds, and even to the delectable squids and its family. Without it, not only are people deprived from foods rich in iodine and other nutrients but also subject to a shortage beyond belief as food choices is limited.

2. It is harmful to the human body when ingested. The human body is seventy percent liquid in composition owing to water being part of the daily needs of man. A man will never last for days without water. If the water sources like dams start to be contaminated, the people are prone to develop a variety of diseases caused by microorganisms and contaminants.

3. It affects various jobs and occupations. Farmers will not be able to grow plants with dirty water as irrigation. Fish folks will not be able to catch fishes and other seafood without it. Power plants that house and employ a number of the populace will not be able to continuously run its engines without water thereby causing a halt on production and the overall functionality of the plants. In short, no one will live or work without it.

A number of reasons causing these drastically harmful effects of water pollution have been pinpointed. The culprits are bacteria and microorganism from sewage, organic compounds and chemical wastes from power plants, rampant throwing of garbage, insecticides, herbicides and fertilizer residues being washed out by running water, and heavy metals from industrial plants and even silt. All of these alter the normal chemical composition of water causing these unforeseen effects harmful to any living organism. With collective effort from everyone, it can still be prevented. It is not yet too late to reverse and even halt the occurrence of these harmful effects. Everybody should act now and save all the bodies of water.
Clifford Young is an accomplished niche website developer and author.

To learn more about the effects of water pollution [http://myoregonbeaches.info/undesirable-effects-of-water-pollution], please visit My Oregon Beaches [http://myoregonbeaches.info] for current articles and discussions.

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