Quiet Please! Noise Pollution And Your Health

How does noise pollution affect your health and the health of your loved ones? This article will explain a few of the causes of noise pollution, the resulting health effects that can occur, as well as steps you can take to eliminate some of the risks involved with noise pollution.

What are some of the causes of noise pollution in your neighborhood? Here are some that come to mind: cars, busses, trucks, airplanes, motorcycles, lawn mowers, leaf blowers, hair dryers, vacuums, sirens, dishwashers, washing machines, clothes dryers, barking dogs, loud voices, air conditioners, construction sites, loud music and TV's. The list can go on and on. What effect does this have on your health and the health of those you love?

The health effects are numerous. Noise pollution can cause an increase in stress levels, as well as a rise in blood pressure over an extended period of time. Noise related hearing loss and tinnitus can occur as well, leading to life-long hearing problems. Sleep can be interrupted also when there are loud or annoying sounds during your sleeping hours, which in turn can affect your work and home life from a lack of sleep.

What steps can be taken to eliminate some of the risks involved with noise pollution? Whenever possible close the windows, either of your car or home in order to block out some of the noise. Buy a quieter hair dryer and vacuum. Turn the radio and TV down. If you own a dog, try to keep the dog from barking too much, it will be good for you and please the neighbors as well. When possible, try to find time during the day for a quiet break. Give yourself a timeout, and sit in peace and quiet even if only for a few minutes. It will refresh you!

The best solution that can help with most noise pollution situations is ear plugs. They even have a children's size so you can protect your little ones at the start of their life, and get them in the habit of protecting their hearing. Get the kind that block out the maximum level of sound, and use them when practical. This might be during a concert, fireworks display, sporting event, as well as at bed time to drown out the snoring or other noise annoyance that keeps you from a good nights sleep. You will still be able to hear but it will sound much quieter.

Your hearing and that of your loved ones is worth the effort in taking these small steps to improve your well-being from the effects of noise pollution.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joanne_Eberts