The Main Causes of Water Pollution

Mankind must continually look into his rearview mirror when it comes to the environment, and in doing so he must understand his history accurately and with a clear view supported by empirical data. When it comes to pollution we need to separate out the various types of pollution, and as you know some pollution occurs naturally and is very much part of the standard cycles.

Consider if you will the pollution caused by a volcano erupting, methane burp in the ocean, or erosion causing mineral deposits to leach contaminating what would normally be fresh water, then flowing to the ocean effecting sea life, delta regions, and changing the distribution and chemical balance of the water. When it comes to water pollution caused by mankind there are several serious challenges.

The first comes from nitrates from agriculture which run-off into fresh surface water, underground aquifers, and into the oceans. There are many dead zones off the coasts from these activities. Dead zones are areas where the oxygen has been depleted in the water, therefore nothing grows, little or no fish or aquatic life - this is a stain on mankind's stewardship indeed.

Another big cause of pollution in water is the acidification caused by man-made emissions and chemicals into the air. Still, Mother Nature is also a big contributor in this case as well - volcanoes for instance. But that still doesn't make it okay for humans to unnecessarily pollute the air causing acid rain, and run-off into the water.
Then of course, there is human waste, trash and garbage, as well as discharges from non-treated biological waste. Sewer treatment plants overflow too often, but then many areas do not have sewer treatment plants at all. There are also overflows from animal waste and livestock, and these too can be quite damaging to the environment.

Industrial waste, household waste, and polluted urban run-off are all serious. Taken individually, it's really nothing the water cannot handle, but cumulatively, it's a real challenge, and the results are in folks, we haven't done such a hot job, we need to do better - that means everyone.

We also have all heard about oil spills and what have you, but we should realize that crude oil spills are not as bad for the environment as refined petroleum products. It's not that crude oil doesn't make a mess or cause problems, it surely does, but crude oil also leaks out into rivers and oceans and has for millions of years in various places, and that's nothing new. It is part of the cycle of geological eras.

Yes, mankind needs to do a better job policing itself when it comes to pollution, after all we have to drink the water, and we also eat fish. So the Planet's water is the last thing we need to be polluting if we wish to survive, that is to say; if we want to live long and prosper. Indeed, I hope you will please consider all this.
Lance Winslow is the Founder of the Online Think Tank, a diverse group of achievers, experts, innovators, entrepreneurs, thinkers, futurists, academics, dreamers, leaders, and general all around brilliant minds. Lance Winslow hopes you've enjoyed today's discussion and topic. - Have an important subject to discuss, contact Lance Winslow.

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