Are You Safe From Pollution Indoors? - Start an Herb Garden to Fight Indoor Environment Pollution

Have you ever wondered how polluted and contaminated the indoor environment could be? There is hardly any effort to raise awareness about the indoor pollution phenomenon and its hazards. For all you know, your home or office place might be a breeding ground for bacteria, viruses, allergies and other ailments due to poor indoor environment and air conditioning. The air that you inhale might be of very poor quality. However, the good news is that a lot can be done to change the indoor environment and improve the level of oxygen. One of the highly effective solutions is to start an herb garden to improve the indoor conditions. Keep your indoors clean, pollution free and healthy by planting herbs.

Causes of Poor Indoor Environment Conditions
Urban areas are prone to increased air pollution due to tightly sealed buildings, restricted air circulation due to air conditioning, poor ventilation, low ceilings, blocked sun-rays, synthetic materials used in construction, dust residing in carpets, use of chemical products, pesticides and other household products. There are a number of pollutants in the air including nitrogen dioxide, carbon mono-oxide and lead contributing to unhealthy environment. Global warming has contributed to increase in cooling and heating to make interiors comfortable during summer and winter thus aggravating pollution indoors which in turn again adds to the global warming. The indoor air quality suffers due to closed environments, living in such closed environments for 8 to 10 hours gives rise to different allergies. Burning of wood, cooking in kitchen and smoking indoors are also the root causes of air pollution.

Other sources of man made pollutants are volatile organic compounds that originate from household chemicals. Perfumes, hair sprays, furniture polish, glues, preservatives, pesticide sprays, mosquito repellants and coils, air fresheners, stoves and heaters also add to the environment pollution.

Common ailments due to sick building syndrome
A report from World Health Organization suggests that about 30% of new and re-modeled buildings worldwide may be linked to sick building syndrome due to unhygienic air quality. Certain common health problems result from indoor pollution and poor air quality such as asthma, severe bronchitis, pneumonia, respiratory problems, lung and nasal diseases and sinus infections. Tobacco is known to cause cancer and is responsible for producing a wide range of harmful chemicals and toxics. It is dangerous to passive smokers who share the same room with a smoker and causes irritation to eyes, throat, nose and lung infection.

Start an Herb Garden Today
One of the cheapest and best ways to combat indoor pollution is to live in green buildings. Green buildings which make optimum use of available natural resources and are environmental friendly contribute to a cleaner and eco-friendly environment. Cultivate herbs and plants that can be easily grown in patio, portico or a window-sill if you are confined in space. Start an herb garden today by growing herbs like holy basil, aloe vera, rosemary, thyme, cilantro and ginger that help you fight asthma, arthritis, infection and allergies naturally. Increase your immunity and resistance by making the fresh and healthy herbs part of your meal everyday. Consume the herbs fresh and raw from your own herb garden to get powerful anti-oxidants and anti-bacterial ingredients from the wonderful healing herbs. Herbs are silent and long-term healers that save you from catastrophic ailments and prevent chronic diseases that suddenly appear from nowhere to burn a hole in your pocket. Live a cheerful, healthy and stress free life with the magical, aromatic herbs that are a boon to humanity. Preserve the green cover and the vanishing species of flora and fauna that our planet earth is losing fast due to urbanization and industrialization.

Sudhir Naik co-wrote the above article with Shraddha N. and has been caring for herbs for over 20 years. He is a contributing writer to site - providing information and tips on herb garden. Herbs and plants are gifts of the Almighty to mankind. The green cover keeps the planet free of pollution and helps the humanity by providing various herbal remedies. Sign up for a Evergreen Herb Garden Mini-Course and procure your own copy of "Secrets Of Evergreen Herb gardening". Start an herb garden and use the fresh aromatic herbs from your own home herb garden, for healthy living, nature cure and rapid healing of common ailments. Increase immunity and develop resistance to common allergies and ailments that make your life miserable with suffering.

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