Our Polluted Planet

It has become evident over the last decades as there has been greater release of information and increasing transparency about previous production and licence that allows many avenues of chemical pollution to continue in our atmosphere, in our water, our food, in our earth and in the subtler toxic elements in the social environment of our times. Many of these factors are no longer an error of western civilization but are also being adopted in some of the less materialistic societies to their future detriment, both physical and spiritual.
The analogy that compared humanity as lemmings hastening to the cliff edge would seem appropriate unless two positive motivations result in changes of action. These involve cessation of the production or creation of the chemical toxic pollutants in our human world and lifestyles and a similar cleansing in our minds and consciousness where thought is the prime mover.
There are many constructive and often isolated efforts to correct any one negative factor that becomes public knowledge. This will usually evoke a counter action from those who are focussed upon the material environment and alert to the danger threatening the quality of our natural elements. But like the hydra-headed monster, cut off one evil and another does seem to sprout immediately until the overall task to 'clean up our environment' can seem impossible. Impossible it is, until the cause is dealt with.
So far the industrialized countries have no obvious will to do this. Environmental toxic elements that are harming us continue to do so until the instruments in our governments find the moral backbone to take severe action to redress severe problems. This is apparently difficult to do in our modern system where the minds of our leaders are polluted by tangled persuasions and interests involving the dollar but forgetful of ramifications that may disallow health and therefore happiness of the people. No longer is this the top priority.
Any effort to purify the physical environment once polluted or poisoned is commendable but is far more difficult than preserving purity and quality. Seeking quality without correcting the injection or source of poisoning is an unreasonable project that has no end.
We need reason to prevail if we are to truly advance beyond technological skills to greater satisfaction of our souls and be able to look to true advancement in the coming decades as we anticipate mankind's coming of age in the twenty first century.
Intelligently correcting the present acknowledged wrongs requires action on many fronts. A few of these are obviously top of the list regarding chemicals and would involve.... strict control of all industrial chemicals to minimize usage; continued phasing out of chemicals use in agriculture; total ban on use of chemicals used in preparation and presentation of food for market or for consumers; total ban on chemicals that have a history of mis-use and are proven to be a causative factor in cancer and other diseases.
Industrial pollution is complex in the issues and in the matters of control but begins with a general reconsideration about possible new methods of manufacture or return to simpler principles. All release of toxic gases and fumes into our air remains a known cause of our major diseases.
Other pollutants involve our water quality with toxic material entering our groundwater from various sources including deliberate injection of chemicals into our water such as chlorine, fluoride and others in attempts to neutralize negative bacterial threats and diseases.
The soil of our Earth planet was once perceived as 'our Mother Earth' is now suffering long drawn out illness arising from our disrespect and the many, many habits that continue to offend our relationship with our material home element that sustains our lives. Should we continue to deposit our wastes from homes, hospitals and industries this way?
Then we have noise pollution and visual pollution, both of which received passing acknowledgment before legislation was made impotent by agencies reluctant to exert control of the negative elements involved. So our permissive governments are disallowing us in some measure the enjoyment of peace, quiet and beauty. Without these tonics for the soul there can be little harmonious relationship with the natural world.
But what about other factors such as radon, a radiation that is directly responsible for killing thousands each year with its invisible negative influence - a gas that is difficult to detect by our senses but that is carcinogenic and along with smoking, a cause of much lung cancer.
Traffic fumes join the accumulating toxins in our atmosphere and are increasing each year as millions of new vehicles appear on the roads. They are directly responsible for various symptoms of ill health including cancer.
And recently Propylene Glycol, (PG) a colourless chemical used in a great many food products, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals as a solvent is under scrutiny.
Present warnings about Bisphenol A, (BPA) another controversial chemical ingredient in the manufacture of milk bottles for infants and other general drink containers is a cause for real concern for both infant health and adults. It is shown to leaches into the liquid and is capable of deranging the endocrine system and our hormones.
And we have not touched yet upon Noise Pollution - and the damage done by amplified sound that not only affects our delicate hearing sense but damages our brains; and the radiation problem associated with mobile phones or cell phones suspected as a factor in brain tumours and other nerve problems that are predicted to increase in the community in the years ahead.
We have really polluted our planet in futile attempts to seek 'newer' and ever promising material rewards. This prevailing attitude has led us to an impasse that equally promises us self destruction if we do not cease our addictions - to our own greed for the new and exciting - to chemical drugs both medicinal and 'recreational' - to discordant sounds - to ugliness, to violence - to material wealth.
We must seek answers that will sustain our lives with body and soul intact and these answers were known thousands of years ago as we know them today.
All that we do requires us to be living in harmony within us and with nature if we wish to recreate a society composed of the finest energies and thoughts of human intelligence.
Aromatherapy or the science of Osmics is proving immensely popular when applied in self help or in professional healing. It is a delightful way to employ natural perfumes to assist mood and mind states and is particularly helpful as an adjunct to relaxation techniques and stress relief. Sally Wilson is an expert in aromatics and author of one of the earliest publications on the subject, directing its use in incense and in healing and has utilized the subtle benefits in her naturopathic practice over many years.
More details at associated sites...
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sally_Wilson

Uses of Varieties of Industrial Ovens

A lot of people are surprised to learn that industrial ovens aren't large ovens found in large kitchens. In fact, they have little if anything to do with kitchens. This small explanation is usually enough to completely turn a person's world upside-down, but what about the question: what, then, do these ovens do? The answer to that might astound them even more, once they realize that without the use of an industrial oven, they would not have much of what is familiar to them today.

There are a variety of different kinds of ovens: regenerative thermal oxidizers, stress relieving ovens, heat recovery systems, and many more. Some of these are used to ensure the quality of a product and ensure that the product will retain its integrity. Some are used to ensure that no pollutants are released into the atmosphere. Some use the heat and energy made by a factory or plant in a productive way. Sometimes the use of these ovens ensures the safety of a factory or plant.

Without industrial ovens, factories would still be producing nothing but toxic chemicals and subpar products. Your air would be dirtier, your factory-produced items would be of lower quality and your friends and relatives working in factories or plants would be in greater danger.

But more precisely, what do things like stress relieving ovens and their cousins do? How do we experience them on a day-to-day basis? Do you have any factory-made glass items? Those were heated using an industrial oven. What about a car? The paint on it was dried using an industrial oven. Have you even taken medication before? The ingredients in medicines are dried using these ovens. The quality of the parts of your car is assured by a stress relief oven.

Although these are sometimes used in food processing (for drying raw materials, for example), they do not have much to do with and are not found in a kitchen. As with many things, industrial ovens influence our day-to-day lives in strange ways - in some ways, their influence seems obvious and in others we may never have guessed it. It may seem odd to think of it, but as you see more and more ways that these ovens have factored into your life and have helped shape some of the things you take for granted, take a moment and thank the unsung hero: the industrial oven manufacturer.

For more information:
Industrial Ovens
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ethan_Smith_Morgan

What is Groundwater Pollution?

Groundwater forms that part of the natural water cycle present within the underground strata or aquifers. Of the global quantity of available fresh water, more than 98 percent is groundwater stored in the pores and fractures of rock strata. Ground water is also an important source for industry and agriculture as well as for sustaining rivers experiencing low flows. A reduction in either quantity or quality of the discharging groundwater can significantly influence surface-water quality; surface water and groundwater are therefore intimately connected.

Groundwater pollution refers to the introduction of chemical materials into the groundwater which alters the quality of the water and makes it unfit for consumptions and or other uses. The threat of groundwater pollution is on the increase because of the many synthetic products and materials being used today.
Groundwater is about the purest source of untreated table water as a result of the natural filtration the water undergoes before it gets to the aquifer in the course of the water cycle. Unlike the open water sources (rivers, rainfall, stream, etc), groundwater is hardy contaminated. Also with the increasing pressure on other surface water sources, groundwater might obviously become the bailout for the ever increasing demand on the global freshwater. Many regions of the world are already finding succour in groundwater sources. So its pollution would seriously affect the a good proportion of human race.

If groundwater becomes polluted it is difficult if not impossible to rehabilitate. The slow rate of groundwater flow and low microbiological activities limit any self-purification processes which takes place in days or weeks in surface water systems can take decades in groundwater.

Click here [http://environmenthighlight.com/pollution/sources-and-causes-of-groundwater-pollution/] to read on groundwater pollution.

Fortune Ihunweze is a professional Environmental Resources Manager with a passion for the environment. His views and articles on the environment are shared is his website; [http://www.environmenthighlight.com].

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Fortune_Ihunweze

Quiet Please! Noise Pollution And Your Health

How does noise pollution affect your health and the health of your loved ones? This article will explain a few of the causes of noise pollution, the resulting health effects that can occur, as well as steps you can take to eliminate some of the risks involved with noise pollution.

What are some of the causes of noise pollution in your neighborhood? Here are some that come to mind: cars, busses, trucks, airplanes, motorcycles, lawn mowers, leaf blowers, hair dryers, vacuums, sirens, dishwashers, washing machines, clothes dryers, barking dogs, loud voices, air conditioners, construction sites, loud music and TV's. The list can go on and on. What effect does this have on your health and the health of those you love?

The health effects are numerous. Noise pollution can cause an increase in stress levels, as well as a rise in blood pressure over an extended period of time. Noise related hearing loss and tinnitus can occur as well, leading to life-long hearing problems. Sleep can be interrupted also when there are loud or annoying sounds during your sleeping hours, which in turn can affect your work and home life from a lack of sleep.

What steps can be taken to eliminate some of the risks involved with noise pollution? Whenever possible close the windows, either of your car or home in order to block out some of the noise. Buy a quieter hair dryer and vacuum. Turn the radio and TV down. If you own a dog, try to keep the dog from barking too much, it will be good for you and please the neighbors as well. When possible, try to find time during the day for a quiet break. Give yourself a timeout, and sit in peace and quiet even if only for a few minutes. It will refresh you!

The best solution that can help with most noise pollution situations is ear plugs. They even have a children's size so you can protect your little ones at the start of their life, and get them in the habit of protecting their hearing. Get the kind that block out the maximum level of sound, and use them when practical. This might be during a concert, fireworks display, sporting event, as well as at bed time to drown out the snoring or other noise annoyance that keeps you from a good nights sleep. You will still be able to hear but it will sound much quieter.

Your hearing and that of your loved ones is worth the effort in taking these small steps to improve your well-being from the effects of noise pollution.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joanne_Eberts

Erosion or Rainwater Pollution - Which Comes First?

Over the past century, runaway development has paved over forests, fields and wetlands across the country. Along with urbanization has come the problem of "urban stormwater" - rainwater that washes over dirty surfaces such as roads, buildings and lawns and becomes a major source of pollution in rivers, lakes and bays. While much has been achieved in the past 30 years to limit pollution from easily identifiable sources, such as watersheds, efforts to control pollution from these diffuse sources are still in their infancy. Although the Clean Water Act mandates stormwater control, local governments have been slow to respond.
This report, however, focuses on runoff pollution from developed areas, which occurs when stormwater carries away a wide variety of contaminants as it runs across rooftops, roads, parking lots, baseball diamonds, construction sites, golf courses , lawns, and other surfaces in our cities and suburbs. The oily sheen on rainwater in roadside gutters is but one common example of urban runoff pollution.
Nationwide, sediment is a leading pollutant of our waterways.

Rainwater that washes over roads, buildings and lawns carries pollution into oceans, rivers and lakes. Impervious surfaces increased 41 percent during the 1990s compared to an 8-percent increase in population. The rate of increase of impervious surface implies there will be more rapid delivery of nutrients to streams and an increase in sediment erosion.

Recovery of the Chesapeake Bay
Federal rules force constructors and contractors disturbing an acre or more of land during any type of construction project to develop a plan for preventing erosion and controlling sediment at the construction site.

One solution is to use porous materials and systems that allow stormwater to be filtered by the soil. Instead of solid materials, paving can be designed to allow water to flow through into the soil. Catch basins for stormwater are now recognized as an effective method to minimize pollution. One suggestion is to direct residential drain pipes to empty into the yard rather than a ditch. Individuals can help limit pollution by being careful with fertilizers and chemicals.

Stormwater runoff and non-point source pollution are the number one threat to water quality. Stormwater pollutes sensitive trout streams with sediment, pesticides, fertilizers, and causes erosion, flooding, and loss of habitat.

"Storm water can be controlled at its source" by "something as simple as planting trees," using more sensible tree pit design and installing green roofs that collect storm water. Storm water can also be naturally absorbed through vegetation, green areas and impervious surfaces, the councilman said.

"But, it's what's underneath the ground - a natural filtration system - that really makes the bioretention systems work. The vegetation and soils remove pollutants from the stormwater, such as nutrients, suspended solids, salt, and petroleum byproducts. The goal is to reduce flooding by slowing the flow and to have cleaner stormwater throughout the James Brook/Jacob's Meadow watershed, which flows directly into the harbor"
Development on forested steep slopes causes massive erosion, sedimentation of streams and wetlands, downstream flooding,and destruction of prime habita.

Landowners with property along streams, wetlands and moist bottomlands are encouraged to protect these riparian areas by planting trees that will create buffer zones, prevent soil erosion and attract wildlife.

Citizens can make a difference by removing from their private property invasive plant species that contribute to poor water filtering and soil erosion, and planting native trees and shrubbery that increase absorption of rainwater and improve water filtering efficiency.

By adopting 'green infrastructure' solutions, such as green roofs, permeable pavement, wetland restoration, and smarter design of street tree plantings, stormwater can be captured where it falls and used to green the city. It introduces benchmark environmental indicators as well as 80 specific measures, to capture hard data which will be used to build up a clear picture of trends and pressures over time.

The problem extends beyond neighborhood water runoff. Fertilizer runoff into the Mississippi River is blamed for the dead zone that occurs in the Gulf of Mexico. The same problem occurs from residential areas where lawn fertilizer finds its way into the waterways. Additionally, chemicals, human and animal waste wash into our water systems.

The Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) is a voluntary land retirement program that helps farmers and other agricultural producers protect environmentally sensitive land, decrease erosion, restore wildlife habitat, and safeguard ground and surface water.

Contaminated runoff from freeways is the largest and most polluted part of overall stormwater runoff.
Caltrans will start cleaning up the runoff using a variety of innovative solutions to capture the mess before it reaches the beach.

Cleanup options include sand traps, catch basins and new porous pavement surfaces that catch polluted runoff and absorb the contaminants.

Polluted runoff is the number one water pollution problem in America, Caltrans deserves credit for blazing a pathway that other agencies and cities should now follow.
 Action is well overdue to address our deteriorating water quality.

http://www.erosioncontrolforum.com clearly identifies the decline in water quality in areas dominated by agricultural and urban land use, and offers solutions to these troubling trends. Both agriculture and local bodies must add more action to their rhetoric. It will be sad if agriculture uses urban water quality results as pretext for inaction. While the median bacteria count in urban streams is higher than the median count on rural steams, the worst rural waterways are far, far worse than the worst urban stream.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Henry_Clark

The Economy and Environment - How Bad is Pollution?

To pollute or not to pollute... This is the question. Since the industrial periods, we have been altogether stuck with the same problem- climate change and respiratory health problems among others.
Is pollution really bad? The answer is yes and no. In order to produce, we all need to pollute. Factories that process the food that we eat, clothes that we wear, cars that we drive, needs to pollute. Everything that we consume, from the shampoos and soaps, to the socks and shoes, all of these could not be made without polluting. Hence, if we will say that pollution is bad and we do not want ANY pollution it's synonymous to signing our death warrant or better or worse, going back to how the neanderthals lived before.

So, since we need to produce in order to survive, then we need to pollute.

The environment has the ability to assimilate or absorb all of our wastes or the pollution. Hence, we could say that pollution is not always bad. But the assimilation capacity of the environment has its limit. It has a specific rate or speed at which it could only absorb specific amounts of pollution for a certain period of time. In other words, if pollution rate is so fast or higher than what the environment could only absorb, then that's the time that pollution is bad.

This is the reason why the government uses policy regulations such as tax emissions, flat rate carbon tax, ban on production of energy extensive vehicles, incentives for alternative energy research and a lot more. If pollution rate became so high, then health of people is at risk. In effect, the productivity level of the sick people is low and the economy suffers.

The economy suffers not just because of the lost productivity of the people, but also because the government must pay for the damages it has done to its people. Public hospitals would abound with patients with respiratory diseases.

Among a long list of policy instruments the lawmakers could use, taxation has always been their favorite. So what does taxation do? How efficient or effective is it in the goal for abatement of our pollution rate?
Imposing a tax on firms that pollutes can be considered a good strategy, as long as the tax would cover all the external cost or the cost of the damage the firm created during production. Taxation, if enforced really well, could make firms create a technology that may lessen pollution, if they will find out that it will be cheaper than continuously paying the tax. In this way, pollution is reduced without compensating the quantity of the firm's production. The downside of this policy however, lies on the possibility that some big firms would find the tax cheap (because it did not cover the true costs of damage), hence, they will just produce more and pollute more. They will produce more, if the case will be, other small firms may find the tax expensive, thus closing down, so that they're production quantity will be eaten up by those firms who could afford the tax. If this happens, another set of problems arises. The worst scenario would be oligopoly or monopoly could happen, thus raising prices, to the demise of the consumers. On the other hand, if the tax is so high, small firms could close down, or firms could just pass the tax to its consumers, hence raising prices.
Hence, it is crucial that lawmakers in each country, when decides to impose tax on pollution emissions, must first review and analyze very carefully the true cost of the damage. It must not be too high so as to protect the consumers from price hikes, or not too low so as not to have any effect on pollution rate of firms.
If taxation strategy is not perfect, what then is the most efficient or effective way to ebb the rate we are polluting today?

Cherry Lyn Beldia, born in August 15, 1986 in Roxas City, Capiz, Philippines. She is a graduate of Public Administration with a minor in economics in the university of the Philippines Diliman.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cherry_Lyn_Beldia

Global Warming and Climate Change

Every day or other, we are knocked over by the shocking reports of melting ice, vanishing glaciers and the increase of water levels in the oceans. Our planet earth is increasingly getting hotter. The news of hurricanes unleashing casualties is alarming. Ask yourself a question - Is it not the duty of each one of us to save our mother earth from being destroyed?

Global warming is the shadow of future turmoil and devastation. And it is no doubt a man made disaster. The charm of the earth is slowly getting lost. The dark shadow of death is creeping widely. In simple terms, global warming is the average rise in earth's temperature. And it is this rise only that has caused the great change in the climate. Average global temperature has increased by almost one degree Fahrenheit over the past century, an additional 2 to 6 degree Fahrenheit increase over the one hundred years is also expected. This may not surprise you much but it could change the earth's temperature as never before.

Global warming is the number one terrible fate. The major behind global warming is the emissions of carbon-dioxide and other green house from human activities that include industrial processes, fossil fuel combustion, and the changes in the land use, such as deforestation. With the development of the industrial economies, larger amount of carbon-dioxide is released into the atmosphere. Several gases like carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide act as the additional blanket around the earth. They allow sun's heat to reach the surface of the earth and warm up the temperature. Along with emission of harmful gases. Deforestation is the another devastating force behind the global warming.

Since 1970, the temperature have gone up at nearly three times the average for the 20th century. By 2100, sea levels are likely to rise between 7 to 23 inches. Resulting in the gradual inundation of coastal areas and increasing beach erosion and flooding from coastal storms, changes in precipitation patterns, increased risk of floods and droughts, threats to the bio diversity and the number of potential challenges for the public health.

However we can all make efforts to save the environment from the serious hazards. And the simplest methods are - using recyclable products, purchase of energy efficient products, tree plantation and reduction in pollution.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Aparana_Chauhan

Dependence of Life on Petroleum Products From the Oil and Gas Industry

Food, clothing, and shelter are considered as the basic amenities for living. With the advent of machineries and industries, petroleum and its products have now become the basic necessities for human existence. The dependence of man on the oil and gas industry is so much that without petroleum products, we may go back to the Stone Age.

Apart from petrol and diesel (which are used in automobiles) and gas (used for cooking), petroleum forms the raw material for many chemical and pharmaceutical products, fertilizers, and many other things. The usage of petroleum has a history of over 5000 years though in an unrefined form. The present day situation is that more than 60% of our energy requirements are fulfilled by oil and gas. The remaining 40% comes from other sources like coal, wind, sun, and water.

Oil and gas industry has a major influence on every aspect of global economy. Petroleum products such as petrol, diesel and gas are highly combustible, and release sulfuric, carbonic and nitric acid to the environment, which is a very dangerous thing.

Oil is a natural product found in the crust of the earth, which has to be extracted and processed to obtain different products. Holes of size varying from 5 to 50 inches are dug using a drilling rig to extract crude oil based on pressure technique. This oil is sent to refineries for further processing. When the yield becomes lesser, the wells are abandoned. Earlier Hydraulic fracking techniques were used to increase the extraction rate but of late this method is banned in some countries because of the impact it has on the environment.
Since every aspect of modern life has become dependent on petrol and petroleum products, it is important to know the origin of this multifaceted energy source. Petroleum is a fossil fuel formed by the remains of dead animals and other organisms. The formation of petroleum is a lengthy process which happens beneath the earth. Since the invention of petroleum products, its usage has spread to all areas.

Apart from this, the pollutants released by the oil refineries are very harmful to the atmosphere. Global warming is one of the effects of extraction of oil, usage of these fuels and the pollutants released by refineries.
Petroleum being a natural resource has a limited availability and is being extracted and used in different forms. It has to be used carefully to make it last longer or at least until alternative sources are found that can replace petroleum products.

PetroChase is an independent oil and gas firm assisting in the acquisition, development, and exploration of oil and natural gas in the US.

Oil and gas investor opportunities offer financial returns which may be excellent along with unique tax benefits to accredited investors, and oil drilling companies like PetroChase are at the forefront of project development.

Contact Petrochase at (888) 207-3876 or email info@petrochase.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_L_Greene

What Can We Do With All the Plastic Polluting Our Environment - Eat It?

Although plastic water bottles are quite thin and decompose rapidly in the environment due to UV rays in sunlight, not all plastic de-materializes quickly. Worse, there are so many different types of plastic, and so many products made with plastic, that they have ended up all over our planet, including throughout our oceans. But what if we could collect all of this plastic, put it into one place, and either recycle it, or turn it into something else?

Well, I'd like to talk to you about this for a few moments if I might. You see, there was an interesting article recently in PhysOrg (dot) titled; " Amazon fungi found that eat polyurethane, even without oxygen," published on February 3, 2012 which stated; "Until now polyurethane has been considered non-biodegradable, but a group of students from Yale University in the US has found fungi that will not only eat and digest it, they will do so even in the absence of oxygen."

Why not let nature figure out a way to eat polyurethane plastic for us? In a way it would be a new symbiotic relationship, and one which brings us back full circle in the eco-recycling arena. The organism would be completely happy doing this work, and it is perfectly suited to do so, meanwhile humans win by eliminating these wasted plastics, and the environment wins also without the added pollution. It is interesting that we will be able to take a man-made product and polymeric chains, and let nature break it back down very quickly into usable molecules which are benign.

It seems science, and nature working together can solve almost any problem. Isn't it interesting that mankind keeps creating problems, and nature keeps coming up with a way to solve them. Perhaps in our scientific and academic arrogance, we too easily forget that evolution, and nature is an extremely powerful force, after all it has created us. It only makes sense that we should utilize, and adopt best management practices wherever possible, and whenever nature shows us her hand.

So, what can we do with all of this plastic which is polluting our environment, polluting our oceans, and causing challenges for future generations? Well, why not hire Mother Nature to eat it, and this fungus which was discovered will be happy and content breaking down this plastic, and harnessing the energy in the process to live and prosper. Please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative eBook on the Future of Recycling. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lance_Winslow

Allergy Causes And Symptoms

Allergies tend to be remarkably prevalent and every single day more people are becoming more prone to allergies. As reported by research, up to 50 million people today in the united states are actually allergic. It is also amongst the primary reasons responsible for people missing work and children skipping school each and every year. Unfortunately not many individuals are aware of allergies and the precise cause responsible for allergies.

An allergic reaction is simply a process by which our immune system overreacts to particular foreign materials once they come into physical contact. An allergic reaction is usually of different types such as food allergies, drug allergies, insect sting allergy as well as others. These kind of allergies can be acquired and also may develop quickly in a man or woman. Let us examine at some of the causes and symptoms of allergies.

Factors That Cause Allergies
There's no precise reason for allergies. Almost any substance may lead to an allergy in an individual that is normally susceptible to that exact substance. It's possible to acquire an allergic reaction by simply inhaling or swallowing any sort of material that may possibly trigger your entire immune system to overreact and can produce an allergic response. Nevertheless, there are some risk factors which will raise the likelihood of producing an allergy. These kinds of variables are often split into two main types namely environmental factors and host factors.

Allergy Variables:
• Host factors: Many of these typically include genetic factors, heredity, age and ethnic background. From all of these, heredity is easily the most significant risk factor, which increases the probability of an individual to be able to develop an allergy. For example, if your own father and mother are actually allergic then you are also likely to become even more vulnerable to allergies.

• Environmental factors: All of these mainly include direct exposure to diseases in the time of childhood, dietary adjustments, environmental pollution as well as others. The most common environmental factors that could possibly lead to allergies include breathing in of allergens (substances which often cause allergies) such as pollen, airborne dirt and dust, mold spores, dust mite waste, pet dander as well as others. These are additionally major factors behind someone producing respiratory allergies.

Viral attacks and pregnancy (via the mother to fetus) tend to be in addition a few of the risk factors that could make contributions towards the development of allergies. During being pregnant and viral infections the body's defenses usually are usually decreased and weakened. During this case, a foreign body or an allergen has larger odds of assaulting the human body leading to over reaction by the immune system and leads to allergies. A number of drugs or dietary supplements may additionally produce allergies; hence it is preferable that you always consult with a medical doctor before using any sort of medicines.

Symptoms of Allergies
Men and women who happen to be allergic may encounter specific symptoms which will may have an impact on the skin, respiratory system, gastrointestinal system and in extreme cases also can affect the heart. These symptoms are completely different in various types of allergies.

• Symptoms of respiratory allergies: The respiratory symptoms of allergies primarily include things like runny nose, sneezing and nasal congestion. In really serious situations, someone may possibly also experience shortness of breath, wheezing and coughing.

• Symptoms of food allergies: A difficult time in swallowing, itching in the mouth, queasiness, diarrhea, and throwing up are usually a few food allergies symptoms. On top of that, someone might in addition encounter stomach aches and perhaps irritation of the mouth, throat and lips as part of the food allergies symptoms.
Aside from all these, allergies could also contribute to a variety of annoying symptoms like asthma and ear infections. An allergic woman/man may also encounter some different symptoms particularly skin associated symptoms which includes eczema and hives, headaches, a diminishment in smelling sensation and disruptions with sleep.

Paul Holland is a former lifetime allergy sufferer and author. After curing his allergies using completely natural home remedies, he began to help others to successfully treat their allergies naturally. Find out more about Food Allergies Symptoms and how to completely overcome allergies quickly and easily using natural home remedies.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Paul_B._Holland

Undesirable Effects of Water Pollution

One type of pollution is the contamination of bodies of waters including seas, oceans, lakes and even the water deposited under the ground. This unnatural and potentially harmful occurrence is commonly known water pollution. Although water is naturally subject to an acceptable amount of contamination as part of the normal processes of nature, the ecological status of water is the main gauge of the effects of water pollution. Overall, when a stream, a sea or a lake becomes unlivable for marine organisms and the use of it by human is harmful and undesirable; then it is considered to be contaminated beyond tolerance.

Below is a list of the undesirable effects of water pollution:
1. It is harmful to the normal marine flora and fauna living in its beds. Bodies of waters are one of the richest ecosystems of the earth. It is home to a diversity of plants and animals living in harmony of co-existence. It also a very rich source of food being home to schools of fishes, a wide array of shell food, edible seaweeds, and even to the delectable squids and its family. Without it, not only are people deprived from foods rich in iodine and other nutrients but also subject to a shortage beyond belief as food choices is limited.

2. It is harmful to the human body when ingested. The human body is seventy percent liquid in composition owing to water being part of the daily needs of man. A man will never last for days without water. If the water sources like dams start to be contaminated, the people are prone to develop a variety of diseases caused by microorganisms and contaminants.

3. It affects various jobs and occupations. Farmers will not be able to grow plants with dirty water as irrigation. Fish folks will not be able to catch fishes and other seafood without it. Power plants that house and employ a number of the populace will not be able to continuously run its engines without water thereby causing a halt on production and the overall functionality of the plants. In short, no one will live or work without it.

A number of reasons causing these drastically harmful effects of water pollution have been pinpointed. The culprits are bacteria and microorganism from sewage, organic compounds and chemical wastes from power plants, rampant throwing of garbage, insecticides, herbicides and fertilizer residues being washed out by running water, and heavy metals from industrial plants and even silt. All of these alter the normal chemical composition of water causing these unforeseen effects harmful to any living organism. With collective effort from everyone, it can still be prevented. It is not yet too late to reverse and even halt the occurrence of these harmful effects. Everybody should act now and save all the bodies of water.
Clifford Young is an accomplished niche website developer and author.

To learn more about the effects of water pollution [http://myoregonbeaches.info/undesirable-effects-of-water-pollution], please visit My Oregon Beaches [http://myoregonbeaches.info] for current articles and discussions.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Clifford_Young

2007 Trends in Unmanned Vehicles; Air, Land, Sea and Space

The Military drones in the 1970s ushered in a new era of unmanned aerial vehicles. Of course one could say that the German V-1 and V-2 Rockets inspired the first unmanned drones in the Military. Today we see rapid advances in underwater unmanned vehicles and unmanned ground vehicles. Today robotics is pushing the envelope of these technologies and making the unmanned micro air vehicles smaller. Currently there are micro air vehicles that are about the size of large insects and even these small sizes will come down over time, as sensors, electronics and technologies miniaturize.

The potential number of applications for mini-flying machines is truly incredible. Of course the Military Applications for MAVs or Micro-Air Vehicles is rather obvious. The Intelligence Industry could also use such technologies; "The Fly on the Wall" surveillance system? Of course with these new technologies will come new tactics and usher in a new era of swarm theory to guide its usage and applications; borrowing ideas from nature and insects on how best to increase performance.

Indeed there are many commercial private sector applications for MAVs such as chasing insects from fields to save on the use of pesticides or interacting with Bird Migrations, which might have Bird Flu as they fly over? Maybe even steering Locust Plagues away from important agricultural regions as well? As sensors these units might provide insight and track wildlife movements, man made pollution or weather patterns. The applications are truly endless. MAVs will be a very important technology in the future and could potentially save millions of lives.

I thank you for investing your time in reading this article and hope you will enjoy this thinking on this topic and discussion as we take this subject to a much higher level to propel thought and open your mind to the future of MAVs. Perhaps this article is of interest to propel thought in 2007?

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/. Lance is an online writer in retirement.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lance_Winslow

If the Water is Polluted, Ever Wonder What is in it?

I would like to discuss a few issues we have been reading in the mass media about the kinds of stuff in our rivers. Forget about the DDT and all the pesticides from Industry, we need to look at our own lives and in our own mirror. Because when it comes to citizenry, most have no right to complain. Insect repellants and chemicals were found in the water. The kind you spray on bushes around the house and in the house foggers that come in aeresol. This was found in 74% of all the major rivers and of tests in more than 40 states. Fragrances like perfume and cologne found in 27% of rivers. Caffeine? Yep, in 70% of the rivers tested and in very high concentrations compared with other chemicals. How does this get in?
Coffee Grounds in the flower bed. Wasted coffee pot coffee poured into the sink, and unfiltered in sewer treatment plant since it's weight is similar to that of water. And obviously nevr thoguht of as a big issue. Think of all the fish swimming late? Hyper fish, might be harder to catch? So folks, we need to look at our actions as citizens beofre condeming good businesses who work extremely hard to follow both the letter and concept of the law.

I have seen people throw cigarrettes while driving through the desert onto the highway in fire problematic areas in the middle of July. I have seen kids throw trash on the road from the sidewalk in broad daylight and no one even say anything. I have seen people dump soapy buckets of car wash water in the gutter, instead of tossing it on the lawn. I have seen center dividers with grass in the middle over fertilized by city governments and the water run all night over watering and washing it into the gutter. Before we condemn businesses, let us look at what we citizens are doing?

If we love this country and wish to have the law enforced upon every business then surely we as citizens can take on the responsibility to not throw trash out the window and to walk the walk. We cannot allow hypocritic attitudes to permeate the whole of society. Because if no one cares anymore, we have nothing. Next time you want to pollute, think about how valuable the water supply is, how important it is for the city to look and exactly why it is you expect people to spend their tourism dollars in your town. Dirty towns do not draw in tourists. Do not ask what the government will do to clean up the world, ask your self.
I hope everyone takes this article personally. My company does our part as do most companies, yet I do not see the same being done by the people making the most noise. Mr. and Mrs. Environmentalist, you too need to do your part. If you are complaining about the environment, then why pollute the world with children who do not care? Teach them to respect their surroundings in the home, yard and out in the real world. If you cannot take care of yourself, your actions and your own children, then kindly be quiet.
Recently I saw an extremely liberal American woman driving a 1970 Volvo wagon which leaks oil, is exempt from the stringent new vehicle emissions like the SUV that Jesus would have to drive to bring with him all his disciples, it makes me wonder, what on Earth they are thinking. Certainly not the Earth? Yet the Volvo had more than enough bumper stickers to alert me of how to live my life and what and who to save?
No one wants a dirty environment, everyone wants clean air and water, yet the people making the noise sometimes create unreal situations, blow them out of proportion to make a headline, use the media's need to create controversy to sell news to promote ads, while never cleaning up their own act. Look what this has done to our country. It is dividing it, and all the while enforcing some of the environmental problems is the least of the real problem. Without a reality check on those squeeky wheels which also exist and pollute, create and bring into the world people with such lax attitudes that they could care less about anyone else besides themselves. I would like to argue this point with someone on the other side, because I have been to every state and every city over ten thousand population in the country now and can honestly say most of the liberal argument is bogus and it is not real. The theory is good and solid on the environmental side, but the actions usually are not. Many of the followers are not minding their own business, yet tell everyone else to mind theirs.

I find those on the left fringe and I am not talking about the caring folks which believe in helping their fellow man who is unable to help themselves, because clearly those issues are not debated by even the farthest right wing radicals of the other side. I wish to argue point by point every single issue that a far left fringe can come up with. I feel much of the rhetoric is in error and much of the scientific data is botched. Although original intent is most excellent indeed, they methods and lawsuits are all wrong along with the behavior of many of those so dedicated to the movement of cleaners air, water and endangerd species.

From the forest issues causing 120 thousand pounds of underbrush fuel to build up and cause the hotest fires that are so fierce they burn down the old growth instead of clear out the normal 40,000 lbs per acre underbrush. I submit to you that the liberal hikers and nature enthusiats are spreading the Redwood pathogens on their tires, hiking boots and clothing. That the Forest policy of the past is just as much to blame for the destroying of the rain forests and forests than anything else. We need a reality check.
I would like to hear a discussion of this along with why the ELF Environmental Groups are resorting to International Terrorism, burning down structures and homes to help the environment, because last time I checked it appears that smoke from such events causes polluted air in itself. I would like the World Think Tank to discuss these issues and come up with a plan everyone can live with in the freedom we have been gifted by our ancestors.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/. Lance is an online writer in retirement.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lance_Winslow

Are You Safe From Pollution Indoors? - Start an Herb Garden to Fight Indoor Environment Pollution

Have you ever wondered how polluted and contaminated the indoor environment could be? There is hardly any effort to raise awareness about the indoor pollution phenomenon and its hazards. For all you know, your home or office place might be a breeding ground for bacteria, viruses, allergies and other ailments due to poor indoor environment and air conditioning. The air that you inhale might be of very poor quality. However, the good news is that a lot can be done to change the indoor environment and improve the level of oxygen. One of the highly effective solutions is to start an herb garden to improve the indoor conditions. Keep your indoors clean, pollution free and healthy by planting herbs.

Causes of Poor Indoor Environment Conditions
Urban areas are prone to increased air pollution due to tightly sealed buildings, restricted air circulation due to air conditioning, poor ventilation, low ceilings, blocked sun-rays, synthetic materials used in construction, dust residing in carpets, use of chemical products, pesticides and other household products. There are a number of pollutants in the air including nitrogen dioxide, carbon mono-oxide and lead contributing to unhealthy environment. Global warming has contributed to increase in cooling and heating to make interiors comfortable during summer and winter thus aggravating pollution indoors which in turn again adds to the global warming. The indoor air quality suffers due to closed environments, living in such closed environments for 8 to 10 hours gives rise to different allergies. Burning of wood, cooking in kitchen and smoking indoors are also the root causes of air pollution.

Other sources of man made pollutants are volatile organic compounds that originate from household chemicals. Perfumes, hair sprays, furniture polish, glues, preservatives, pesticide sprays, mosquito repellants and coils, air fresheners, stoves and heaters also add to the environment pollution.

Common ailments due to sick building syndrome
A report from World Health Organization suggests that about 30% of new and re-modeled buildings worldwide may be linked to sick building syndrome due to unhygienic air quality. Certain common health problems result from indoor pollution and poor air quality such as asthma, severe bronchitis, pneumonia, respiratory problems, lung and nasal diseases and sinus infections. Tobacco is known to cause cancer and is responsible for producing a wide range of harmful chemicals and toxics. It is dangerous to passive smokers who share the same room with a smoker and causes irritation to eyes, throat, nose and lung infection.

Start an Herb Garden Today
One of the cheapest and best ways to combat indoor pollution is to live in green buildings. Green buildings which make optimum use of available natural resources and are environmental friendly contribute to a cleaner and eco-friendly environment. Cultivate herbs and plants that can be easily grown in patio, portico or a window-sill if you are confined in space. Start an herb garden today by growing herbs like holy basil, aloe vera, rosemary, thyme, cilantro and ginger that help you fight asthma, arthritis, infection and allergies naturally. Increase your immunity and resistance by making the fresh and healthy herbs part of your meal everyday. Consume the herbs fresh and raw from your own herb garden to get powerful anti-oxidants and anti-bacterial ingredients from the wonderful healing herbs. Herbs are silent and long-term healers that save you from catastrophic ailments and prevent chronic diseases that suddenly appear from nowhere to burn a hole in your pocket. Live a cheerful, healthy and stress free life with the magical, aromatic herbs that are a boon to humanity. Preserve the green cover and the vanishing species of flora and fauna that our planet earth is losing fast due to urbanization and industrialization.

Sudhir Naik co-wrote the above article with Shraddha N. and has been caring for herbs for over 20 years. He is a contributing writer to http://www.evergreenherbgardens.com site - providing information and tips on herb garden. Herbs and plants are gifts of the Almighty to mankind. The green cover keeps the planet free of pollution and helps the humanity by providing various herbal remedies. Sign up for a Evergreen Herb Garden Mini-Course and procure your own copy of "Secrets Of Evergreen Herb gardening". Start an herb garden and use the fresh aromatic herbs from your own home herb garden, for healthy living, nature cure and rapid healing of common ailments. Increase immunity and develop resistance to common allergies and ailments that make your life miserable with suffering.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sudhir_Naik

The Hidden Dangers of Ultrafine Particle Pollution

Imagine this; you attempt to clear out your chest with a deep cough and after a few seconds of hacking, you taste of blood. You would assume it may be caused from an occurrence of bronchitis, tuberculosis, or another sickness with this symptom, but that may not be the case. Believe it or not, you may have been exposed to ultrafine particles. Nanoscale air pollution particles are mostly unregulated and can cause serious health concerns if inhaled at a high enough concentration since these tiny particles go right into the lungs.

So where can someone encounter ultrafine particles? It has to only be in industrial areas where there's lots of machinery and most people are already wearing safety gear, right? Would you believe you could be breathing in these particles at an ice skating rink? And if the rink is not properly ventilated, a dangerous concentration of ultrafine particles could be building up without any one being the wiser. In 2009, a survey was conducted by ESPN's E:60 that revealed over two hundred people who had gotten sick from carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and ultrafine particles from poorly maintained ice resurfacers in ice rinks with poor ventilation. The issues caused by this exposure resulted in a range of conditions from carbon monoxide poisoning, the sensation that one man felt like he was having a heart attack, to asthma which was being caused by the tiny particles.

Since ultrafine particles are so small, they are considered respirable particles and get deposited in the lungs when someone breaths them in where they can penetrate the tissue to join other metabolic waste byproducts or absorb directly into the bloodstream. As you might imagine, this can make ultrafine particles difficult to remove from the body either naturally or through medical treatment, a serious problem for those who are exposed to dangerous amounts of ultrafine particles. Our bodies can safely handle a certain concentration of ultrafine particles on its own, but because of the nature of these particles they can have a quick effect on the body so even brief exposure to a poorly ventilated ice rink could cause health complications. The worst part is that, aside from a few states, there isn't any sort of safety regulations to monitor or regulate the amount of ultrafine particles that can be allowed in the air before people are asked to leave for their own health.

To put it simply, these particles are still a relatively new threat and isn't understood as well as others; as such we aren't entirely sure how to handle them yet. Luckily, normal ventilation works wonders on keeping ice rinks, and other sources of the fine particles, at a safe concentration where people can go about their business safely. There are several models of dynamic ventilation systems that use CO and NO2 sensors to start ventilation when CO and NO2 levels start to become dangerous as a power saver that have the added bonus of being relatively cost-effective to install. Normally, this wouldn't bear mention; however the cause of ultrafine particles is also the cause of carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide which means the simplest way to control the level of these particles is to have a good ventilation system. The concentration of ultrafine particles becomes dangerous at around the same point in time that CO and NO2 become dangerous for people to breathe which is how this danger has gone un-noticed for so long. So find out if your local ice skating rink is safe to skate at before going there on a date or family outing, maybe it's time that they updated or replaced their ventilation system to something that's better at keeping people happy and healthy.

For more information about Ultrafine Particle Pollution, visit http://www.conspec-controls.com/.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stan_Ramsey

Healthy Lifestyle Change

Here is what I have learned about meshing the extreme athletic bodybuilding lifestyle together with the longevist/vegetarian/holistic lifestyle by focusing on making the inside healthy first, primarily by focusing on the acid/alkaline balance of my blood, since the release of The Healthy Lifestyle Coach Feb. 15, 2005.
My body composition stats on Feb. 15th, 2005:
Body Fat % = 7.6
Weight = 208
Waist = 33 1/8
Time in ½ mile sprint- 3 minutes and 18 seconds
My body composition today Aug. 28th, 2007:
Body Fat%=6.5%
Waist=32 9/16
Time in ½ mile sprint- 2 minutes and 51 seconds
I am very excited to find out through the preparation of this update that I have lost 2 lbs. of fat, gained 8.89 lbs. of muscle while dropping my overall body fat percentage and my waistline. I improved my ½ mile time as well as my flexibility and range of motion in several joints (at the age of 42 I am by far in the best condition of my life). This has happened since the release of the original press release "The Healthy Lifestyle Coach" on Feb. 10th, 2005 while implementing this unique combination of two different lifestyles. How exciting for me it is to have proof that you can have a healthier inside and a more muscular, toned/ripped physique with enhanced athleticism, at the same time. It's the best of both worlds, if you will. I have implemented the holistic changes listed at the end of this update consistently since Feb. 15th, 2005.

Common sense would tell us that the foundation is the most important part of any structure. It is the starting point. Therefore, to have the ultimate body, we must focus on the health of our organs, blood and cells. What good is an amazing body with ripped abs if it comes at the expense of being unbalanced and is only short-lived because the foundation is not firm.

In my opinion, I believe even more strongly now than ever that we can have the best of both worlds: a ripped physique and a holistic, healthy inside. I know that we can LIVE STRONG, AND LONG. I promise you that I will continue to bring you what I have learned, and what I am learning as I siphon through the onslaught of information and use myself as a guinea pig. I feel privileged to be your coach, your leader by example, if you will.

The quality of your life is based on the quality of your cells. In order to both survive and prosper, cells must have:
o Oxygen
o Water
o Nutrients (potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium and zinc, among others)
o The ability to eliminate their own waste.
Without these four things, which are dramatically affected by the quality of your blood (your river of life), your cells cannot survive. When any one of the above four is compromised, your cells cannot thrive.
When you break our body's cells down to the smallest particles (atoms, protons and neutrons) you will find that each particle has an electrical energy that keeps the particles in motion. Our bodies literally have an electric energy that is measurable. When your atoms have high electrical energy, your energy is high, your cells can function optimally and your red blood cells don't stick together. When your atoms' energy is very low, your cells cannot function optimally and your red blood cells stick together and move more slowly, and so do you. When your atoms have no electrical energy, neither do you, and you are dead. In order to give your cells the best chance of being completely healthy, our blood must have a precise chemical balance. Alkalinity/acidity is measured on a scale of 1-14, with 1 being pure acid, 7 being neutral and 14 pure alkaline. Your blood must maintain a slightly alkaline pH of 7.365.

To check the PH of your blood can quickly and in evasively
When there is a disturbance to this balance, the red blood cells begin to clump together. When that happens, they are no longer able to efficiently able to travel through the capillaries and feed the cells throughout the body. The pH stands for potential for hydrogen. The pH of your blood is along the same lines as the pH of your pool or your hot tub. When the balance is out of whack the water gets polluted. It's the same thing with your blood.

Everyone's bodies are being pushed to their limits. They, to some extent, are toxic and acidic. The modern fast-paced lifestyle has brought so many things to the table that our bodies were not designed for. Our fight-or-flight stressor hormones like cortisol are at an all-time high. People are not slowing down to rest like they used to. With all the technology and the to-do lists, we are stressed out more than ever. Put on top of that the highly processed convenient foods for the masses with all the chemicals and preservatives and you have a severe problem.

When given the correct internal environment, the human body is an incredible self-healing machine. The more acidic that our blood becomes, the less ability our body has to fight off infection, disease, and premature aging. It is not very difficult to lower acidity of the blood. The following are some areas to focus on if you find that your blood is below 7.36:
o Emotions Anger, fear, overwhelm, frustration, inadequacy, and low self-esteem are all acidic emotions. These emotions induce more negative hormones like cortisol. We have all heard it before, but believe me: the mind is much stronger than we ever know. Life is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Watch the words that come out of your mouth. Chances are you are not even aware of how many times you say, "I am sick and tired, I have no time, I am overwhelmed, back to the grind," etc. Even if you feel it, do not speak it.

o Nutrition Eliminate highly processed convenient foods that are full of chemicals and preservatives, and replace them with foods that are fresh and organic. If it doesn't spoil, don't eat it. All food has an electrical energy. If we are constantly eating foods that don't give energy back, we will become toxic and acidic. Some foods that have electrical energy include: most veggies, lemons, cucumbers, most grasses (wheat) and almonds.

Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.), the Father of Medicine, who compiled a list of over four hundred herbs and their uses.

It is absolutely a certainty that we must strive to live a balanced life and eat as high quality natural organic foods as we can get our hands on. WE MUST, ONLY USE PHARMACUETICALS (DRUGS) AFTER EVERY OTHER NATURAL AND HOLISTIC REMEDY IS USED. Then we must try to release as much stress as possible and focus on health, energy, laughter, and longevity and wait as long as we can. At this point and only at this point, if the symptoms persist, should we consider drugs. GET OFF AS MANY DRUGS AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE.

o Healthy lifestyle choices Get plenty of rest, the right amount of exercise, and keep acidic addictions such as coffee, tobacco and alcohol to a bare minimum. If you are presently using one of them, do not cut cold turkey. Cut usage in half and seek some social support. Hire a trainer, go for walks, hang around a health club, etc. Eat less per meal, eat more meals per day, and start moving/walking more. Keep it simple.


Candida albicans is a microbe known as yeast, and it is a normal inhabitant of the body. For a variety of reasons, it can become a pathogen--a disease-causing fungus that feeds on the body and weakens the immune system, which the medical community often views as the source of allergies, AIDS, chronic fatigue (Epstein-Barr), herpes and many other illnesses.

The naturally occurring yeast resides in the gastrointestinal (G.I.) tract. The primary diet of the yeast and fungi that live in our bodies is sugar, grains, and glueten for energy and protein for development and growth. They (the yeast and fungi and their mycotoxins) greatly contribute to the over-acidification of our systems, thus producing a myriad of disease and symptomlogy.

Candida is quickly becoming recognized by holistic medical practitioners as "the disease behind the other diseases".

I believe that bodybuilders (we are all bodybuilders) who are eating clean need to learn this concept just as much as the average under-active American who is eating highly processed garbage. As extreme athletes, we are pushing our systems to the limits. We are tearing our bodies down daily, and this includes our muscles, as well as our nervous, hormonal, endocrine, elimination and recovery systems. We are releasing incredible amounts of lactic acid into our systems, adding to the already acidic system.

I have a personal regimen that has worked very well. When I get up in the morning, I take a serving of L-glutamine and a serving of green drink. The green drink is usually a mixture of different kinds of wheat/barley grasses, and I take it with warm water to help with absorption. This L-glutamine is a calorie free way to help fight catabolism, which is the process of your body using its own muscle for energy.

Then, I suck on an organic lemon as I drive to my club. I do some interval cardio, stretching, prayer/meditation, goal setting/incantations, and some visualization (with a vision board) before my first client at 6:30 a.m.

I wait one hour, and then I have my first meal, a 5-ounce organic breast and some green beans. Throughout the day I will eat every three hours with protein and carbs combined together. My 6:00 p.m. meal is almost always an organic salad with either fish or tuna. I eat very lightly at dinner, forcing myself to be hungry, and I eat a small protein snack at 8:45 p.m. Then it's lights out at 9:00 p.m. Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man/women healthy, wealthy and wise. Because of the gravitational pull of the earth, hours of sleep between 10:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. are considerably more valuable at helping the body regenerate than hours between 2:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m.

I think that taking in a minimal amount of chicken, fish and red meat is OK. It can allow us to build muscle and take advantage of an intense athletic/fitness routine, while still allowing us to keep the internal system alkaline and balanced. But the key is organic and high quality. Any food that is prepared for the masses is going to be low quality and create a toxic environment in our bodies.

Another key is this: As hard as it is to slow down, try to socialize with family members, laugh and be in a light-hearted mood when eating. Dinner time is a great time in my house. It is a very important time of reunion and talking. On the health side of things, the bottom line is that if you eat food in a hurried, stressed state, the body will break down, assimilate, and process the nutrition in a vulnerable state. The cells cannot do their job to their full capabilities and will transfer that emotional stress into the cells. Do yourself a favor and slow down at least once a day, visit, laugh, and enjoy the conversation.

Stay tuned for many updates in the future from Fat Loss Lifestyle as we learn more on how to balance business, relationships, and health and energy in our quest to stand up and live a total life of significance.
Make it a great day, Make it a great week, Make it a great Life!! Your friend in fitness, Darin L. Steen
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Darin_Steen

Mercurialism - Need Not Kill You

For 40 years Tisha had unexplained symptoms - escalating in severity and new symptoms arriving with frightening speed. Never suspecting the trouble was coming from her amalgam fillings. Tisha's long road to health started 3 years ago when she realized there must be a hidden reason for all her ailments that the medical profession could not help to alleviate or cure.

At 5 years of age Tisha had the 3:1 immunization before starting school. Her arm ballooned immediately on administration of the immunization, her mother and sister started screaming and crying that they were killing her. Tisha had fever and tremendous leg pains for about a year afterwards. Tisha's mother had to massage her legs every morning so that she could walk to school. The Doctors diagnosis was Rheumatic fever because she became breathless when she exercised and they suspected valve degeneration. That eventually passed but Tisha was never very comfortable running or doing sport after that.

Do we know that Immunizations contain Mercury and Aluminum derivatives? - it's criminal that we are not heeding the warnings about the disastrous side-effects caused by immunizations. We are exposing our newborns and toddlers to a lethal toxic substance that can compromise their health for the rest of their lives.
Some of the diseases linked to immunizations are cancers of various forms, autism, ADHD (hyperactivity) tantrum and anger outbursts, excessive shyness, and even decreased intelligence has been linked with Immunizations. It has been proven in tests that children who have never had Immunizations are of a higher intelligence that their counterpart who have had them. The problems associated with Immunizations should make us stop and think, yes think again before we just blindly go ahead and have our children Immunized. The diseases would have burnt out long ago if we hadn't exposed ourselves to the viruses through Immunizations. Even the flu injection can dump us into a health crisis - and does!

Tisha's first amalgam fillings were inserted at the age of 12 and the problems started immediately. She had an immediate increase of weight. On Tisha's return from their December vacation her
friends and family hardly recognized her, everyone wondered what had happened to her. The obvious assumption was that Tisha had just pigged out during her holiday. Unfortunately Tisha's family could not find a reason for her weight gain, she had always been a small and fussy eater. During the same holiday she had an attack of appendicitis necessitating an appendisectomy on their return home.

Through the years, there followed escalating severity of symptoms such as High Blood Pressure, Oedema (water retention) chronic headaches, chronic backache and muscle spasms, symptoms of Hypothyroidism although her thyroid hormones appeared to be on the lower normal scale, brain-fog increased at times, respiratory problems increased to the stage where Tisha was taking seven different antibiotics in a nine week period for bronchitis and laryngitis. These health problems continued to appear year after year. Little did they realize that it was linked with Tisha's annual dental visit - within hours to days of a visit Tisha's health would crash. No medication helped, not even cortisone treatments.

Looking back the Bransby family now see the danger signals of Mercury toxicity, but at the time they had no concept of toxic overloading. They trustingly gave their bodies to the Doctors and Dentists to do as they saw fit. Now they clearly see where they went wrong, and how they paid the price for unquestioning submission to toxic substances.

It is evident that little research has been done on substances we use every day. We think very little of their toxic side effects that can severely damage our health. Solid research and findings are swept under the carpet for fear of the repercussions. Is this criminal negligence or just total ignorance not caring what happens to the man in the street?

Tisha shares other incidents in her life that were deeply impacted by the toxicity problem. At the end of 1974 she got married whilst completing her nursing studies. She went onto the pill for six months. The problem only reared its head when she came off the pill. Her endocrine system was in a total hormonal scramble and she gained 20kg within 2 months. During her first pregnancy (and subsequent two pregnancies) she suffered from Oedema (water retention) and high blood pressure termed "pre-eclampsia" which was not mentioned to Tisha at the time. The Doctors said the weight gain was due to incorrect eating. Tisha was seven months pregnant while doing her final nursing exams. Her teeth were crumbling and more fillings were being inserted. This not only compounded but also increased the symptoms and severity. Whilst giving birth, her newly born son developed secondary apnea (he stopped breathing after initial start of respiration) no one noticed he was not breathing until he was handed to Tisha, he suffered from central brain epilepsy with minimal brain damage. Tisha's was not appeased by the prognosis given as the damage was done.

Tisha once again looks back over the years her son is now 27 years old is a classic case of "mercury toxicity" from birth. His symptoms include convulsions, temperature regulator damage (cannot protect his body from heat), if not controlled, he becomes aggressive, disorientated, hallucinating, followed by coma and convulsions, all within the space of five minutes. The Branby's nearly lost their son at least twice resulting in further brain damage, especially frontal lobe involvement, but also fine motor control loss, memory loss, inability to do mental calculations, he had to learn to read and write again, he only writes phonically now. He has chronic headaches due to the abnormal brain waves generated by the Epilepsy. He also suffers tremendous frustration and depression because he is aware of what he lost at the age of 10. He is on a disability grant because of his inability to hold down a constructive full time job. He lacks concentration, the physical ability and strength to do most jobs, and no one wants the responsibility of coping with his overheating problems. So his future looks bleak as far as job opportunities and a normal life is concerned. Tisha sadly reiterates "All because I had fillings done when I was pregnant with him, and the fact that he had his own amalgam fillings at a very young age due to gum disease left over from a severe case of chicken-pox at the age of seven".

We now realize the implications of Mercury molecules crossing the placental barrier and causing tremendous problems in the fetus, and young children receiving immunizations from day one loading them with Mercury and Aluminum. Tisha realizes it is too late for her own children, but the rest of the worlds children can still be saved from the effects of heavy metal poisoning, including Lead from vehicle emissions, Cadmium from cigarette smoke etc. Tisha's experience has given her a new lease on life and would like to dedicate her time to saving our future generations from all the tears and heartache heavy metal poisons cause.
We do live in a polluted world filled with industrial toxins, pesticides, additives and refined foods. When are we going to stand up and take notice. The Branby's follow a predominantly vegetarian diet, and ensure they have time for their detoxification diet programs well.

After a year of using the detoxification diet program they discovered the benefits of activated charcoal. Activated charcoal is one of the few substances that can draw heavy metal toxins and other poisons out of the body. It is utilized in a poultice form to complete the detoxification program.

Tisha's frustration and experience has driven her to find out more about the natural way one can deal with a health crisis. Adamant that no more toxic substances where going to be poured into her body, the Bransby family started a complementary health care centre utilizing natural therapies and products to combat disease and detoxify people from heavy metals and many other ailments. Their goal is to make people aware of the dangers they face all around them.

Tisha Bransby has written a detoxification program and follows it religiously to remove toxins from of the body. Become aware of the heavy metals hiding inside your body, that can cause degeneration, which leads to disease and debilitation. We do not realize the toxic load we carry because of our toxic lifestyles.

Three years down this challenging road of discovery Tisha lives a natural complementary lifestyle, which includes the regular taking of non-toxic supplementation. The correct supplementation speeds up and enhances the body's ability to recover and rejuvenate from toxic overload. Having gained 20 years in health and vitality through cleaning up her lifestyle, Tisha smiles and says, "There is always hope of recovery. It just takes persistence, perseverance, flexibility and a will to recover and let nothing stand in your way to reach your goal".

To all you out there let us take one step at a time, allow for one change at a time, and if you falter on the road to health, stand up and take another step towards a brighter and healthier, wholesome enriching life.
Owner of a web design company in South Africa - http://www.hosting-webdesign.co.za
Co-owner of The South African Health Portal - [http://www.healing-health.co.za]
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Terence_Q_Coleman